Wendy Chesworth
Wendy Chesworth is the current president of the BGH Auxilary. She grew up in London, Ontario.
After an undergraduate degree from Waterloo and a post-graduate degree from Queen’s, after having taught for some 20 years, having two wonderful sons and two sweet grandsons, she has, as was always intended, involved herself in numerous volunteer roles to which she is able to apply her business acumen, people skills and her educational expertise.
Wendy enjoys creative pursuits including but not limited to, gardening and landscaping, writing and reading, culinary arts and interior decorating.
Wendy is currently writing a book about her amazing journey through her past, the search for her birth parents and the rich history she uncovered: part biographical, part auto. When she and her little furry BFF rush out the door for treks around the city, they both enjoy the bliss of the grand outdoors.