Annual Report
Accountable to YOU
Each year, we publish an Annual Report highlighting contributions to Quinte Health Belleville General Hospital and reporting back to our donors and the community at large about our fundraising activities and expenses. The Annual Report is created as a transparent tool to inform our stakeholders about our activities throughout the year and the details of our successes, but it also acts as a key accountability piece. Through carefully crafted content, it demonstrates the work that we do while highlighting the crucial role fundraising plays in the delivery of healthcare in our region.
Commitment to Regional Health
Every year, we work closely with the Senior Leadership team at Quinte Health to determine priority equipment needs across each department at Belleville General Hospital. When you generously donate, we commit to funding specific equipment to the departments in need, helping to support the amazing health care teams working to deliver exceptional care to our loved ones. Healthcare is an ever evolving landscape, so ongoing consultations with departmental heads ensure that equipment needs are prioritized so your donation is spent where it will have the greatest impact.
Our mission is to inspire community giving at all levels to improve healthcare outcomes for the people of Quinte and beyond.
Steven Cook, Executive Director, BGH Foundation.
Putting your donation to work
To ensure your gift supports the area that you have chosen, we only release funds to Quinte Health once we have received a funding application and it has been approved by the Foundation Board of Directors. The Belleville General Hospital site requires between $1.5m and $2m annually for replacement equipment alongside capital intensive multiyear projects that form part of long term master planning for the expansion of services in the regional community.
Respecting your privacy
The Belleville General Hospital Foundation is committed to principles of honest, open and ethical behavior in the handling and management of personal donor information.
Protecting the privacy of our donors, volunteers, employees and other stakeholders is a critical priority. We value the trust of those we deal with and of the public, and we recognize that maintaining this trust requires us to be transparent and accountable in maintaining the confidentiality of the personal information that is shared with us.