McDonald’s Hospital Day 2023 results are in!

McDonald’s Hospital Day 2023 results are in!

Over $8,700 was raised at Belleville restaurants to support Cancer Care at Quint...

Over $8,700 was raised at Belleville restaurants to support Cancer Care at Quinte Health Belleville General Hospital

On Wednesday August 16th, McDonald’s Restaurants across the region – in Kingston to Gananoque, Napanee, Belleville, Trenton, Madoc, Campbellford, Brighton and Picton – teamed up with their local hospital Foundation for Hospital Day.

Each restaurant donated a portion of sales from the day and community volunteers were out in full force. Over $37,000 was raised to support the important work that each Foundation does in their community.

In Belleville, a grand total of $8,744 was raised from the four local restaurants for Belleville General Hospital Foundation.

“We are incredibly grateful to McDonald’s Owner / Operator, Todd Shea, our volunteers and every customer who came out,” said Steve Cook, Executive Director, BGHF. “All funds raised will support Cancer Care at BGH. Cancer touches all of us, so support like this is critical to ensure BGH is here for you when you need us, with the very best care.”

Funds will help purchase priority equipment for one of the many departments at Belleville General Hospital that supports Cancer Care, including Advanced Diagnostics, Surgery, and the Dr. Douglas A. MacIntosh Cancer Clinic.

 “McDonald’s Hospital Day is an incredible example of the difference a community can make, when we come together,” said Jennifer McTavish, Community Events Officer, BGHF. “The efforts of volunteers, McDonald’s customers and Todd Shea is not only inspiring, but proof that $1 really can help save a life.”

Photo: Belleville General Hospital Foundation volunteers, staff, Board members and McDonald’s representatives at McDonald’s Hospital Day, 2023

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