Feeling Thankful: the 5th Annual Ken Bonisteel Memorial Golf Tournament
Donor Stories

Feeling Thankful: the 5th Annual Ken Bonisteel Memorial Golf Tournament

Looking back, August 19th turned out to be a perfect day for golf, and to suppor...

Looking back, August 19th turned out to be a perfect day for golf, and to support a great cause at Trillium Woods Golf Club. The Bonisteel family hosted their annual tournament to honour Ken Bonisteel, who passed away in 2018. Ken’s wife Kim shared on behalf of the entire family (Jason & Krysten, Kim, Jen & Chris), their immense gratitude towards everyone involved — from their valued sponsors to the enthusiastic participants — for their support during the 5th annual Ken Bonisteel Golf Tournament.

It was an incredible day of fun but also a great opportunity to generate funds for the BGH Oncology Department. In this remarkable year, their collective efforts resulted in a substantial donation of $6,050.00, elevating their cumulative five-year contribution to a $20,475.00. At BGH, the expert oncologists and clinicians treat cancer patients with a combination of surgery, medication, chemotherapy or biotherapy, with the goal of increasing chances of remission and to extend and improve quality of life. It is thanks to donors like the Bonisteel Family that lives are extended, saved and improved upon for cancer patients from across the region.

Pictured are: Ken’s son Jason, his wife Kim, his daughter-in-law Jen and his son Chris.

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